Governikus COM Vibilia

Secure, confidential and verifiable communication

As an almost barrier-free send and receive client for OSCI messages, Governikus COM Vibilia (successor product of Governikus Communicator) enables end-to-end encrypted communication in XML in public administration and EGVP scenarios based on the OSCI transport protocol.

Governikus COM Vibilia also enables the handling of electronic signatures and thus guarantees authenticity, integrity and confidentiality.

In addition, the use of electronic signatures as well as the OSCI process card as logging can be used to comply with legally prescribed written form requirements or to prove that deadlines have been sent or received on time.

COM Vibilia is part of the IT Planning Council'sAnwendung Governikus and is continuously developed and maintained.

Legally compliant communication in electronic legal transactions for citizens and companies

Electronic legal transactions have been expanded by extending the digital access options. For citizens, companies, organizations and associations, as well as other professional parties involved in proceedings, there is now another so-called "special mailbox" - the electronic citizens' and organizations' mailbox (eBO). In other words, those user groups that were previously able to participate in electronic legal transactions via the predecessor product Governikus Communicator Justice Edition.

With the introduction of the eBO, it will no longer be possible to continue to participate in electronic legal transactions with Governikus Communicator Justiz Edition in the medium term due to technical changes. For this reason, we are terminating the application as of 30.06.2022.

For this purpose, our COM Vibilia eBO Edition now enables you to connect eBO. This eBO Edition was developed by us on the basis of the laws passed for the expansion of electronic legal transactions.

Grey haired man with beard and glasses sits in front of laptop

3 good reasons for Governikus COM Vibilia

Wide range of application scenarios

Possible applications in XML in public administration and EGVP scenarios as well as individual project solutions.

Electronic legal communication

Justice communication for different application groups with COM Vibilia beBPO Edition.

Application of the IT Planning Council

Governikus COM Vibilia is part of the IT Planning Council's Anwendung Governikus .

Integration and server products

COM Vibilia offers both export and import interfaces that enable the exchange of data with business process applications. The exchange of business process data is possible by means of a generic interface in a defined structure.

The COM Vibilia client application requires the following server products for use:

  • Governikus COM Tauri for handling OSCI messages
  • Governikus DATA Varuna for the validation of signatures
  • Directory service (SAFE, DVDV or your own registration server)

Electronic legal communication

For electronic legal transactions Governikus COM Vibilia beBPo Edition and Governikus COM Vibilia eBO Edition are available.

If you prefer server-based solutions for electronic legal transactions, you will be delighted with the IT-Planungsrat Governikus MultiMessenger or also beBPo as a Service or eBO as a Service find what you are looking for.

Laughing group of people in front of laptop

The most important core functionalities

Depending on the safety-critical application scenario and requirements, Governikus COM Vibilia supports numerous features, such as:

  • Single or multiple signing of messages
  • Certificate generation and verification (transport encryption)
  • Validation of signatures and seals (messages and attachments)
  • OSCI receipts (process cards)
  • Connection to directory services (SAFE, DVDV, registration server)
  • uvm.


Governikus COM Vibilia
Product sheet
Governikus COM Vibilia
Client applications in electronic legal transactions

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Logo Governikus COM Vibilia eBO Edition
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