Diensteverzeichnis der öffentlichen Verwaltung (DVDV)
Deutschlandweit sicher und rechtskonform Daten austauschen

The German Administrative Services Directory (DVDV) is the interdisciplinary and inter-administrative infrastructure component for the secure and reliable addressing of automated services and business process applications for communication between and with public administration authorities in Germany. Thus, e-government transactions can be carried out on the basis of service-oriented architectures in a secure and legally binding manner.

Das DVDV wird in einem kooperativen Betreibermodell durch Bund, Länder und Kommunen bereitgestellt und in gemeinsamer Verantwortung unter Federführung des Bundes als Produkt im IT-Planungsrat fortentwickelt. Es ist offen für alle elektronischen Dienstleistungen der öffentlichen Verwaltung, die automatisiert in Form einer machine-2-machine-Kommunikation abgewickelt werden. Die Kommunikation erfolgt XML-basiert und wird über den sicheren Transportstandard OSCI abgesichert.

DVDV 1 started back in January 2007, with the first service to be implemented at the time being cross-state data transmission in accordance with the Framework Law on Registration (Melderechtsrahmengesetz)

In the meantime, a total of around 130 services and business process applications have been connected, such as official systems for civil status, registration, aliens, passport and ID card systems, etc. ITZBund operates the central Federal-Master-Instance of DVDV, implementation and maintenance is jointly done by Governikus and Dataport.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Projektseite beim ITZBund.

Three colleagues discuss

Successful transfer of the DVDV 2.0 project to productive operation

The DVDV 2.0 control project was launched in order to comply with all technical developments, changes in the legal framework (especially e-government laws and the IT Network Act), but also European developments (large-scale pilots such as SPOCS and PEPPOL) and to expand the existing infrastructure in a sustainable and future-proof manner. After an analysis and conception phase, DVDV 2.0 was redeveloped and rolled out under the consortium leadership of Governikus together with Dataport.

In a three-stage transition model, the federal and a total of 14 state servers with all connected services and business process applications were migrated from DVDV 1 to DVDV 2.0 using the existing server substitution arrangements and successfully replaced DVDV 1 in the period from the end of October to the end of November 2019.

Young woman in wheelchair talking with other people

DVDV 2.0

Die wesentlichen Leistungsmerkmale von DVDV 2.0 sind neben der Anhebung der Technik auf den neuesten Stand, der Orientierung an offenen Standards, der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Performanz vor allem in den Bereich zur Nutzergruppenerweiterung, der Identitätsförderation (sowohl national, wie z.B. SAFE als auch Anbindungsmöglichkeiten an EU-Systeme) zu sehen. Unsere Erfahrungen aus der Pflege des Justiz-Systems SAFE, als auch unserer Beteiligung an den Large Scale Pilots SPOCS und PEPPOL, waren in der Konzeptionierung und Umsetzung von DVDV 2.0 äußerst wertvoll.

The main changes compared to DVDV 1 briefly summarized:

  • New development based on current technologies and conceptual innovations
  • Inclusion of additional communication protocols
  • Introduction of a web-based information client
  • Improvement of user-friendliness for the maintaining authorities
  • Conversion of the maintenance client to a web-based application
  • Test systems for the development of business process applications
  • Extension of the user groups to include participants from outside the administration
  • Replacement of LDAP
  • Preparing the system to support e-government processes and to connect to central European service directories, e.g. by making the data model extensible
  • Preparation of identity management for trust domains, e.g. for the SAFE judicial domain.
  • Access/connection via the Internet and additionally via the connection network according to § 3 IT-NetzG