In complex e-government applications, it may make sense to divide up specialized procedures and transport procedures. This is where XTA comes into play: true to its name (XML in Public Administration Transport Adapter), XTA makes use of the XML standard. Consequently, an XTA message is nothing more than an XML file. In order for the exchange of messages from author:in to reader:in to be automated, fixed message structures are necessary. KoSIT has established a standardization of XTA messages via XML in public administration standards for the communication from authority to authority. These are continuously being developed further.
In addition to a specification and a transport profile, an XML in public administration standard also consists, among other things, of schema files that clearly specify the structure of permissible messages of this standard. These so-called XSD (XML Schema Definition) define the structure of the XML files and consequently of the XTA messages.
Are you interested in testing the sending and receiving of XTA messages via a secure OSCI transport route? Then apply for access to our COM Despina reference environment.