Governikus DATA Deneb

Creation of electronic signatures and seals

Governikus DATA Deneb offers services for creating electronic signatures and seals in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation.

The services required for different application scenarios can be integrated into existing IT infrastructures. With DATA Deneb, we provide a signature application component that can also be used to automatically generate qualified signatures in a specially secured deployment environment. The included Sign Service can be used to generate an unlimited number of signatures and seals.

For integration into business applications, the Sign Service provides a REST-based interface to automatically create signatures and seals. This allows DATA Deneb to be integrated into existing workflows. At the same time, a timestamp can be applied to each document, certifying the actual time at which the signature was applied.

Governikus DATA Deneb is part of the IT planning council application Governikus.

Young woman on train looking at her cell phone

3 good reasons for Governikus DATA Deneb


Bundling of different services that can be flexibly integrated.


Signatures according to current ETSI standards and norms for XAdES, CAdES and PAdES are possible.


Possibility of applying a time stamp to certify the time of signature application.

One product for different requirements

Governikus DATA Deneb replaces the previous Governikus components NetSigner as well as MultiSign-Connector.

Governikus DATA Deneb can be used to sign files in different formats and digest values, for example hash values. DATA Deneb supports the following standards for signing files:

  • CAdES
  • PAdES
  • XAdES
  • raw format
  • ASiC signature format (Associated Signature Containers)
Three women talking at the desk

The most important core functionalities

Depending on the security-critical application scenario and requirement, Governikus DATA Deneb supports numerous features, such as:

  • Multisignatures and -seals for PAdES, XAdES and CAdES
  • Internal and external time stamps (the latter by means of D-Trust, exceet, TeleSec and DGN)
  • Advanced electronic signatures and seals with Keymanager
  • Qualified electronic signatures and seals with the auxiliary component of the Sign Service, Crypto Host, to which the card reader and smart card, also called QSCD, are connected
  • etc.


Governikus DATA Deneb
Product sheet

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