Governicus ID Crucis

Verifiable and secure consent

In the context of both the Online Access Act (OZG) and the Register Modernization Act
(RegMoG), verifiable or secure consent from the applicant is essential.

In accordance with the Online Access Act (OZG), user accounts can be used for identification and authentication when using digital administrative services.

The proof of identification of the user is in principle volatile, which is why consent to the submission of the application cannot be proven in subsequent processes without further measures.

Governikus ID Crucis is a central building block for uniformly obtaining verifiable consent from one or more persons or companies.

Several joint applicants can give their consent separately at different times on different devices in a legally secure manner.

Consent (digital signature) to a digital application depends on the legal situation and the online service offered:

  1. possible for applying citizens via identification by means of online ID (identity card, electronic residence permit or eID card for EU citizens) on the user account (BundID) or
  2. for companies and organizations through identification via "Mein Unternemenskonto" on an ELSTER basis.

Outsourcing the process of obtaining consent will significantly simplify the processes for all online public administration services.

ID Crucis uses the Governikus ID Panstar eID server (also as a Governikus eID service) and can also be connected to ID Panstar via Governikus ID Mercury for temporary authentication in the consent workflow. ID Crucis also supports the written consent of companies through identification using My UK (ELSTER) by connecting to ID Mercury and is available to federal, state and local authorities as part of the IT-Planungsrat Governikus application.

Woman and man in conversation

3 good reasons for Governikus ID Crucis

OZG Implementation

Application submitted in writing using online ID.

Process workflows

The integration optimizes process workflows of administrative services.

Continuous further development

Continuous further development and maintenance via the IT Planning Council's Anwendung Governikus .

Compliance with the written form by the applicant

ID Crucis combines the online identification and the corresponding consent data with the application data. The entire data record is then sealed electronically. Sealing ensures that the application consent is cryptographically secured by means of identification and can be checked and permanently verified in the specialist systems used for further processing. In addition, the simultaneous secure approval of several applications by one or more applicants is made possible by simple integration into user-friendly processes.

The consent of several applicants can either

  • together one after the other on the same device or
  • separately at different times on different devices.
Man and woman discussing in server room

The most important core functionalities

Depending on the application scenario and requirements, the Anwendung Governikus ID Crucis supports numerous features, such as

  • Simplification for online services by outsourcing the consent workflow
  • Linking the identity data and consent data with the application data
  • Proof of the origin of the data (authenticity) and protection of the data against changes (integrity)
  • Use of open standards and interoperable, standardized interfaces
  • Simple forwarding to the business systems
  • Convenient approval of applications by several people, regardless of time and place


Governicus ID Crucis
Product sheet

More solutions

Logo Governikus ID Panstar
ID Panstar
Logo Governikus ID Mercury
ID Mercury
AusweisApp figurative mark

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