
Integration of the online ID function without own eID server

To integrate the online ID function into your offering, you need an eID server, e.g. Governikus ID Panstar. To avoid providing and operating this eID-server by yourself, we have two different services for you in our portfolio:

AusweisIDent is a joint service that we developed with D-Trust, a company owned by Bundesdruckerei.

The identification service, designed in accordance with the German Identity Card Act (PAuswG), enables you to quickly integrate the online ID function via web services for both online and on-site scenarios.

Woman with bob in cafe with map in front of laptop

3 good reasons for AusweisIDent

Low investment costs

With our services, you save on expensive operating and acquisition costs, including HSMs, and thus do not have high investment costs.

Simple integration

Both AusweisIDent and Governikus eID-Service can be easily connected to your infrastructure via standardized interfaces.

Updates? We'll take care of it!

Especially in the area of IT security, the up-to-dateness of software plays a critical role. Our software is continuously developed and maintained so that you are always up to date.

Woman with ID and cell phone in denim shirt

AusweisIDent Easy

AusweisIDent Easy is a free test system of the identification service of Governikus, D-Trust and Bundesdruckerei. With the separate test system, you can easily integrate and test the online ID card in your own application.

Request your personal test access here - simple, fast and free of charge.


Webinar by Nect, D-Trust and Governikus

Following the ban on video ID procedures, many health insurers are looking for supplementary ID procedures to uniquely identify their policyholders. In a free webinar for health insurers, Nicole Stautz (D-Trust), Petra Waldmüller-Schantz (Governikus) and Benny Bennet Jürgens (Nect) presented the use of AusweisIDent in the Nect Wallet.

More information about the webinar and the associated recording can be found here.


On-Site Product Sheet
Health insurance companies

More solutions

Logo Governikus ID Panstar
ID Panstar
Logo Governikus ID Mercury
ID Mercury
Logo Governikus ID Crucis
ID Crucis
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Logo eID Service
eID service

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