OMNISECURE - the world of smart ID solutions

May 22 - 24, 2023

Hotel Palace | Budapester Straße 45 | 10787 Berlin
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Together with OMNISECURE, the eID industry will start the early summer of 2023 live. Under the motto "the world of smart ID solutions", the congress will feature three days of first-hand expert knowledge on the topic of identifying people and things.
OMNISECURE wants to make the exchange of knowledge and experience as optimal as possible with different formats. Lectures, panels, tutorials or interactive sessions - the participants will be integrated, and excellent networking will take place in the accompanying trade exhibition.

Identifications of people and things
OMNISCEURE has existed for more than 25 years and is considered the annual family reunion of the eID industry. Every year, around 400 experts and decision-makers from industry, science and politics gather at the event to discuss trends, network and educate themselves. The podium discussions are therefore filled with high-ranking participants and renowned key note speakers address currently important, central topics.

Governikus will also be represented at OMNISECURE.


05/23 | 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm
eID, signatures and seals - designing administrative processes externally and internally without media discontinuity and legally compliant
Dr. Stephan Klein Dr. Stephan Klein

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