June 12, 2024

Spessart FORUM | Frowin-von-Hutten-Straße 5 | 63628 Bad Soden-Salmünster
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FORUM 2030

Municipalities, districts, utilities and companies are facing major challenges. Above all, the following topics are crucial to the success of Germany as a business location: Transformation, digitalization and mobility. The Main-Kinzig district is hosting the FORUM 2030 for the fourth time. Representatives from science, companies and businesses, authorities and politics will report on and discuss the topics of transformation and mobility in six expert panels. Digitalization will be the third pillar of the congress.

Far-reaching decisions are pending in almost all areas of our working and mobility world, which are interlinked in many places. The course for the future is currently being set here.

  • How can the transformation of the world of work succeed?
  • How will digitalization and artificial intelligence affect all economic factors?
  • What will the mobility of the future look like?

As at the congresses under the previous name eMOKON, FORUM 2030 will also focus on exciting presentations on the requirements, opportunities and visions for the economic area.

Governikus will be on site with a presentation - more info will follow soon.

Lecture in the digitization thematic block

June 12 | 10:00 - 12:00 a.m.
eID with the online ID card: A state identity for more digital sovereignty
Dr. Stephan Klein Dr. Stephan Klein (Managing Director Governikus)

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