Digital sovereignty
in a complex networked world.

Governikus ensures security-relevant communication, data and identities with and between authorities in administration and justice.
Man with tablet sitting at his desk

Our solutions

You can rely on Governikus products and solutions wherever people and organizations need to be securely identified, data needs to be transmitted securely, confidentially and in a legally binding manner, or data tampering needs to be reliably proven. We develop IT security technologies for your business area on behalf of the federal and state governments.

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Secure identities

The digital self is multifaceted and varied. Depending on the usage scenario, it can also come in different trust levels. We enable the handling of many eIDs: from online ID cards and the future smart eID, to the integration of identity providers, to certificates via directory services, etc.
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Secure communication

Authenticity, confidentiality and verifiability are essential features of secure data transmission and the basis for legal bindingness. Secure protocols are essential: whether in the public sector, electronic legal transactions or other application scenarios. We make it easy to deal with a wide range of standards.
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Secure data

Electronic data and documents have neither integrity nor authenticity per se. These can be generated with electronic signatures and seals. Our portfolio includes various solutions for different application scenarios - including, of course, validation or long-term storage to preserve the value of evidence.

Our industry expertise


We didn't invent E-Government, but we make a significant contribution to it: even when we were founded in 1999, our guiding principle was that the data had to run, not the citizens. For this reason, we use our expertise to ensure the secure handling of personal data - nationwide and beyond.

  • E-Justice

    Securely to the next instance. We have the know-how on the EGVP system, beBPos, eEBs, VHNs, eBOs & consorts. And we have solutions.

  • E-Health

    The close integration of E-Government, E-Justice and E-Health is obvious, but still each "discipline" has one or two different challenges. We know which ones.

  • E-Finance & E-Insurance

    We are convinced that public administration, the judiciary and finance and insurance have more than one common denominator and can benefit from each other.

Our cooperation partners

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