There are various support options for implementing XÖV standards in COM Vibilia (information on implementation in the respective XÖV standards can be found in the table of supported XÖV standards below).
1. sending messages:
a) Full support of a standard (e.g. XMeld, XAusländer, XPersonenstand, basic module (XInneres))
b) Generic specialized data interface: The sending of messages via the generic specialized data interface is designed to support any XÖV standards. See the document "COM Vibilia transfer interfaces for specialist applications" for the specifications of the specialist data interface. Adaptation in COM Vibilia is generally not necessary.
2. receipt of messages.
a) The standard does not provide for attachments, but only an xml file (e.g. XAusländer)
b) For standards whose message structure provides separate content containers for the content (XML) and the attachments, messages can be received and decrypted in the file system (e.g. XFamily, FIM recognition). In this case, no adaptation in COM Vibilia is usually necessary.
c) For standards whose message structure provides for a single content container (content data container) for the XML and possibly other attachments, adjustments are necessary in COM Vibilia so that the software can process the message correctly (e.g. XSozial-basis, XEinbürgerung).