The IT Planning Council

Find out more about IT Planning Council, the central political steering committee for the digitalization of public administration in Germany. We offer you a detailed overview of the various solutions developed by Governikus in cooperation with IT Planning Council .

Woman in authority talking with clientele Product DVDV The German Directory of Administrative Services (DVDV) enables e-government applications to exchange data securely and legally compliant throughout Germany. Learn more
Older woman with gray hair in home office Anwendung Governikus In particular, Anwendung Governikus enables legally compliant processing and confidential end-to-end encrypted transmission of data and documents. Learn more
Germany map Anwendung Governikus MultiMessenger The Anwendung Governikus MultiMessenger is a product of the IT Planning Council for channel-independent communication in administration and justice. Learn more
Woman explains something to man The IT Planning Council & the FITKO The IT Planning Council coordinates cooperation between the (German) Federal Government and the federal states on information technology issues and manages projects for government and administration supported by information and communication technology. Learn more
Person sitting at laptop Mailbox in the company account The nationwide standardized company account (Mein Unternehmenskonto) is intended to facilitate access to digital administrative services via a central platform for contact with authorities. Learn more

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