Governikus COM Despina DVDV/OSCI Edition

Support for XML in public administration standards

Governikus COM Despina

Governikus COM Despina DVDV/OSCI Edition, hereinafter referred to as Despina DVDV/OSCI, provides access to the secure OSCI transport infrastructure for the specialized procedures of public authorities. Thanks to the XTA web service interface, Despina DVDV/OSCI realizes communication between specialist and transport procedures, regardless of the communication protocols used for transport.

COM Despina supports both DVDV-based OSCI application scenarios (COM Despina DVDV/OSCI Edition) and Peppol-based AS4 communication (COM Despina Peppol/AS4 Edition).

To the downloads

4-Corner Model for OSCI Communication

4-Corner Model for OSCI Communication

OSCI (Online Services Computer Interface) is the standard for secure data transmission in Germany. authenticity The integrity, non-repudiation and confidentiality of communication can be guaranteed with OSCI messages. The "electronic registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt" is realized through logging and acknowledgement mechanisms. The high requirements of data protection are taken into account by encrypting all messages end-to-end.

Communication between transport procedures and specialist applications in e-government

In complex e-government applications, it may make sense to divide up specialized procedures and transport procedures. This is where XTA comes into play: true to its name (XML in Public Administration Transport Adapter), XTA makes use of the XML standard. Consequently, an XTA message is nothing more than an XML file. In order for the exchange of messages from author:in to reader:in to be automated, fixed message structures are necessary. KoSIT has established a standardization of XTA messages via XML in public administration standards for the communication from authority to authority. These are continuously being developed further.

In addition to a specification and a transport profile, an XML in public administration standard also consists, among other things, of schema files that clearly specify the structure of permissible messages of this standard. These so-called XSD (XML Schema Definition) define the structure of the XML files and consequently of the XTA messages.

Are you interested in testing the sending and receiving of XTA messages via a secure OSCI transport route? Then apply for access to our COM Despina reference environment.

The standard for secure, confidential and legally binding data transmission

Each transport protocol defines specifications for the structure of a message to be transmitted via it. If a specialized message is to be transmitted via OSCI, it must be converted into a corresponding OSCI message. The information required for the conversion is available in the configuration of the sender on the one hand and in the specialized message on the other. In order to automate the process of creating a specification-compliant transport message, scenario templates are created. These ensure that a specification-compliant subject message becomes a specification-compliant transport message.

Scope of XML in public administration standards

The full support of an XML in public administration standard includes for Governikus COM Despina:

The provision of necessary resources on the file manager master for synchronous as well as asynchronous procedures

The necessary adaptation of the default configuration of Governikus COM Despina to use the new XML in public administration standard.

The creation and regular execution of tests for sending and receiving appropriate XTA messages.

Regular updating of resources and tests according to KoSIT specifications promptly on 01.05. as well as 01.11. of each year.

Despina DVDV/OSCI and new XML in public administration scenarios

All supported XML in public administration scenarios are made available to the COM Despina DVDV/OSCI Edition via the Governikus Suite file manager. Which XML in public administration scenario is supported as of which COM Despina release can be found in the following table or in the document in the download area at the bottom of the page.

Table Supported XÖV standards COM Despina



Support for XML in public administration standards
Product sheet

Do you have any questions?

If you have any further questions about COM Despina XÖV standards, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail.

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