Governikus eID Service

Integration of the online ID function without own eID server

To integrate the online ID function into your offering, you need an eID server, e.g. Governikus ID Panstar. To avoid providing and operating this eID-server by yourself, we have two different services for you in our portfolio:

Governikus eID Service enables the use of Governikus ID Panstar as Software as a Service (SaaS) in accordance with the German ID Card Act (PAuswG) with its own authorization certificate. Several hundred clients already rely on our eID service.

Woman sitting on the floor in front of her laptop

3 good reasons for the eID service

Low investment costs

With our services, you save on expensive operating and acquisition costs, including hardware security modules, and thus do not have high investment costs.

Simple integration

Both AusweisIDent and Governikus eID-Service can be easily connected to your infrastructure via standardized interfaces.

Updates? We'll take care of it!

Especially in the area of IT security, the up-to-dateness of software plays a critical role. Our software is continuously developed and maintained so that you are always up to date.

More solutions

Logo Governikus ID Panstar
ID Panstar
Logo Governikus ID Mercury
ID Mercury
Logo Governikus ID Crucis
ID Crucis
AusweisApp figurative mark
Logo AusweisIDent

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