Smart Country Convention

07 - 09 November 2023

Berlin Exhibition Grounds | Jafféstrasse, Gate 25 | 14055 Berlin
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smart country convention

The digitalization of cities, municipalities and regions is the central theme of the Smart Country Convention, which brings together all relevant representatives from administrations, politics, the digital economy, associations and science. The three-day event is a combination of a congress, workshops, training events and an exhibition. The focus is on both digital administration and the digitalization of public services, for example in the areas of energy, mobility, security, waste, water, education and health. The Smart Country Convention is aimed at representatives of the (German) Federal Government, federal states, districts, cities and municipalities and municipal companies.

One event. Three days. Many highlights. 

For three days, everything revolves around the latest trends, solutions and strategies around e-government, smart city and smart region. Governikus is also represented at this year's Smart Country Convention.

Live lecture

November 7 | 2:15 - 2:30 pm
Forum Stage/Hall 25: Signature and seal platform: DATA Sign - modern, intuitive and mobile usable, sustainably applicable
Marc Horstmann Marc Horstmann (Head of Sales, Partner Management and eJustice Governikus)
November 8 | 12:30 - 12:50
Hub 27/Booth 408: How digital transformation can succeed - with high-performance infrastructures from the cloud
Dr. Stephan Klein Dr. Stephan Klein (Managing Director Governikus)

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