33rd EDP Court Day
September 11 - 13, 2024
University of the Saarland | Building B 4.1 | 66123 Saarbrücken

The German IT Court Conference will take place in Saarbrücken again this year.
The three-day event will focus on the following working group topics:
- Documentation of the main hearing
- Digital court public
- ChatGPT
- Artificial intelligence in the judiciary
- E-Justice in Europe
- Digital standards
- The special electronic mailboxes
- Interface between e-justice and e-governance: "Data access rights to external files instead of file transmission/submission to the court/lawyers? - Technical-organizational possibilities and legal need for change?"
- Data Law and Data Act
- Automation of court decisions
- Quantum Secure Cryptography and eIDAS
In a further working group slot of the the (German) Federal Government-Länder Commission for Information Technology in the Judiciary, the federal states provide information on the current status of the implementation of e-justice and IT projects in the judiciary.
Governikus will be represented at the 33rd EDV-Gerichtstag with a stand (no. 20) - we look forward to exchanging ideas with you!