32nd EDP Court Day
13 - 15 September 2023

Under the motto "Digital Rule of Law", the 32nd German EDP Court Day will take place from 13 to 15 September 2023 at Saarland University, Building B 4.1, in Saarbrücken.
The three-day event will focus on the following working group topics:
- Documentation of the main hearing
- Digital court public
- ChatGPT
- Artificial intelligence in the judiciary
- E-Justice in Europe
- Digital standards
- The special electronic mailboxes
- Interface between e-justice and e-governance: "Data access rights to external files instead of file transmission/submission to the court/lawyers? - Technical-organizational possibilities and legal need for change?"
- Data Law and Data Act
- Automation of court decisions
- Quantum Secure Cryptography and eIDAS
In a further working group slot of the the (German) Federal Government-Länder Commission for Information Technology in the Judiciary, the federal states provide information on the current status of the implementation of e-justice and IT projects in the judiciary.
During the symposium, visitors will be able to talk to software and hardware providers, publishers and IT experts and exchange information about products and innovations at the accompanying company exhibition on Thursday and Friday.
Governikus will also be present at the 32nd EDV-Gerichtstag - stop by our booth no. 20.