Bremen/CH-Lachen, March 17, 2020

The Bremen-based IT solution provider Governikus GmbH & Co. KG and the Swiss AG sign a comprehensive cooperation agreement for Governikus' participation in yes®.

With this agreement, Governikus acquires so-called eIDAS remote signatures in order to be able to integrate them into the IT Planning Council's Anwendung Governikus in the course of implementing the Online Access Act (OZG) for business transactions requiring written form.

The cooperation agreement between Governikus and was already concluded at the end of last year, strengthening the already existing relationship between the two companies. "We already connected yes® to our identity solutions some time ago," says Governikus Managing Director Dr. Stephan Klein. Users can therefore already log in to a user account via yes® when using the Governikus solution Autent ID Connect, thus fulfilling a higher level of security than logging in via user name and password. Some federal states have already integrated this service.

With the extended cooperation agreement now concluded, Governikus obtains qualified electronic signatures in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation, so-called remote signatures, via yes® Services. "The full implementation of the OZG has at least one major challenge: there are business transactions that are legally binding online only by means of a qualified electronic signature or transmission via online ID function. The conventional signature has not gained acceptance because the costs for the chip card and reader are borne by the user. The online ID card is now well on its way, but should be supplemented by another electronic alternative to the handwritten signature. This will allow the implementation of the OZG to gain momentum, and users will have several means of choice at their disposal," Klein continues. With the eIDAS remote signature, which can be triggered, for example, by an online account at the savings bank or a cooperative bank and which also does not incur any costs for the users, Governikus and see the possibility of closing this gap as quickly as possible for the benefit of citizens and the administration.

"We are very pleased about this cooperation agreement with Governikus," said Daniel Goldscheider, CEO of AG. "We have already been working closely together for many years to accelerate digitization in administration with our joint solutions."

Governikus is developing the Governikus SigningBroker software as part of the IT Planning Council's Anwendung Governikus project. This solution handles the technical mediation between the online administration service and the remote signature provider as well as the online account. In the case of yes®, it can be used to access savings bank and cooperative bank accounts. "With the purchase of remote signatures, we also take over the commercial mediation, a new business area for us as a software manufacturer, which we are happy to take on in the course of administrative digitization," adds Klein.

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