We are celebrating 25 years of Governikus!

Every two years again! On February 25 and 26, 2025, it will once again be "Shaping the future together" at our Governikus Summit (formerly Governikus Annual Conference) in Berlin. But this time not only under a new name, but also in a different location - and with a very special reason to celebrate.

Because next year's Governikus Summit is all about our 25th anniversary: together with you, we want to discuss and talk about the challenges and solutions relating to a modern, digital state.

Diverse program and exciting discussions

In our view, the digital state needs the players to join forces more than ever. But cooperation alone, as powerful as it may be, cannot manage the digitalization of administration without trend-setting standards. But if there is no big picture, what should standards be based on? So do we need more regulation for IT standards in Germany? Or is it enough to let the market decide? How can we work on IT solutions in a resource-conscious manner and adapt them iteratively to new national and international requirements? We want to examine these and many other questions together over the two days.

Make a note of the date today:

Governikus Summit
February 25 - 26, 2025
Wilhelm Studios | Kopenhagener Str. 60-68 | 13047 Berlin

Join us for two varied days of exciting discussions, workshops, presentations, networking opportunities and an evening event on February 25 to celebrate 25 years of Governikus. Further details on the program and how to register will be available on this page shortly.

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