Anwendung Governikus In accordance with the decision of the Governikus IT Planning Council Application Steering Committee on November 5, 2019, the OSCI 1.2 library will be published with immediate effect by Governikus GmbH & Co. KG will be released immediately. Governikus makes the OSCI 1.2 library available for use and integration under the open source license of the European Commission - European Public License (EUPL).
The library is available for download via the Governikus homepage at with prior registration. You will also find the necessary information and instructions for using the test infrastructure provided by Governikus here.
The previous publisher of the library, the Coordination Office for IT Standards (KoSIT), will exclusively publish the OSCI 1.2 specification on in the future.
As of today, version 1.9 of the OSCI 1.2 library, which was announced last year for February 2020, has been released. Details about this version can be found in the release notes.