Presentation of the joint project of Governikus, HelloGuest and d-trust as well as the used case of the SAXX Hotel Group

On 9/19/2023, we held our webinar on the topic of "The digital registration certificate", in which we presented everything worth knowing about the use of the online ID card at the hotel reception or in the hospitality industry. Our experts Petra Waldmüller-Schantz (Governikus), Nicole Stautz (d-trust), Marc Frauenholz (HelloGuest) and Simon Bruker (SAXX Hotel Groups) spoke about the easy way to let guests check in digitally and without much effort.

With the new amendment to the law, hotels are now permitted to record guest data electronically. HelloGuest has realized this possibility and relied on the proven solution AusweisIDent from D-Trust and Governikus for the legally compliant digital registration certificate process.

Our experts have shown how this innovative solution benefits guests and hotel operators alike.

Nicole Stautz reported, among other things, on the increasing usage figures for the online ID function, while Marc Frauenholz explained the procedure, which is based on a classic eID procedure. The SAXX Group is already working with the digital system and Simon Bruker reported on the advantages in the process as well as the ease of use.

Governikus makes the full recording available on its YouTube channel:

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