Governikus Summit

February 25 & 26, 2025

Wilhelm Studios | Kopenhagener Str. 60-68 | 13047 Berlin
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Wilhelm Studios stage

Shaping the future together

On February 25 and 26, 2025, our Governikus Summit (formerly Governikus Jahrestagung) in Berlin will once again focus on "Shaping the future together".

In our view, the digital state needs the players to join forces more than ever. But cooperation alone, as powerful as it may be, cannot manage the digitalization of administration without trend-setting standards. But if there is no big picture, what should standards be based on? So do we need more regulation for IT standards in Germany? Or is it enough to let the market decide? How can we work on IT solutions in a resource-conscious manner and adapt them iteratively to new national and international requirements? We want to examine these and many other questions together over the two days.

The program

We look forward to seeing you and many players from politics and administration, including

  • State Secretary Ina-Maria Ulbrich (Chairwoman of the IT Planning Council 2025)
  • Anke Domscheit-Berg, Member of the German Bundestag (Digital Committee)
  • State Councillor Dr. Martin Hagen (IT Planning Council)
  • Dr. André Göbel (FITKO President)
  • and many more.

Together with our speakers and you, we want to talk about the upcoming challenges of administrative digitization in various formats and discuss possible solutions.

You will also find the latest information on projects and partner solutions in our accompanying exhibition. You can expect two inspiring days full of keynotes, panels and best practices - we all look forward to talking to you.

To the program

25 years of e-government expertise

and a look into the future

It's Governikus' birthday! 25 years want to be celebrated. We want to do this together with you as part of our get-together at the Governikus Summit. And while we're at it: Our subsidiary Governikus ITU is also celebrating its birthday in 2025 - and is going one better with 30 years.


All the more reason to round off the evening of the first day of the event together at our networking event. Join us and secure your ticket today!

Management Governikus

Celebrate 25 years of Governikus with us

A quarter of a century of IT security full of developments, common goals and commitment. We look back on 25 years of growth and development. At the Governikus Summit, we want to look back on our past decades and at the same time talk about the future of administrative digitization. Join us as we celebrate 25 years of success and look forward to inspiring presentations, exciting discussions and networking opportunities.

25 years of Governikus

More about the Governikus Summit

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Our speakers

Our lectures are given by competent and committed experts from various disciplines.

Exhibitors & Sponsors

Our exhibitors and sponsors actively support us on site, present their solutions and inform you about their projects in presentations and workshops.

Approach & Hotels

Whether by train, plane or car - here you will find practical information on how to get here.