LOGO Data Systems Ltd.

LOGO Data Systems Ltd.

Founded in the early nineties as a small civil law partnership, LOGO Datensysteme GmbH is an owner-managed company based in Bremerhaven that has been growing steadily for over 25 years.

LOGO Datensysteme focuses on independence, security and transparency in the development of its products. The company's own infrastructure and customer service ensure that its own high standards of quality, reliability and customer satisfaction are always met.

With the product series around BdB at work, LOGO Datensysteme has become the market leader for caregiver software. With well over 10,000 active license users nationwide, BdB at work is the indispensable tool for caregivers.

In close partnership with Governikus, LOGO Datensysteme introduces the electronic citizen and organization mailbox (eBO), bringing the possibilities of electronic legal transactions to the market as an integrated and at the same time flexible solution for professional caregivers, care offices and associations. eBO.connect is just the first step in a long-term joint product development around secure communication for social professions.


LOGO Data Systems GmbH
At the knee 6
27570 Bremerhaven

Dennis Miller
Phone: +49 471 900 800 80
E-mail: dennis.miller@datensysteme.de

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