bol Authorities Online Systemhaus GmbH

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The bol Systemhaus is a powerful software development company and system house for form management systems. Our customers include "public clients" as well as industry, health care, banks and insurance companies. We offer a system-independent forms platform with consulting, individual development, support and hotline services.

Using modern technologies, our customers can digitize forms simply, quickly, and easily and, if desired, design them independently. Our responsive form applications can be effortlessly linked to specialized procedures, ePayment systems or eSignatures, and can be easily integrated into mobile solutions. This reduces your administrative costs and increases the efficiency of your administrative processes!



bol Authorities Online Systemhaus GmbH
Hubertusstr. 4
80639 Munich

Dr. Ulrich Fraus
Phone: +49 | 89 | 2019 6572 0

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