Bank Publishing House Ltd.

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Bank-Verlag is the central service company for private banks in Germany. Since its founding as a specialist publisher in 1961, the company has established itself as an IT service provider, operating highly secure IT systems and applications for processing electronic payment transactions and meeting compliance requirements. Bank-Verlag has many years of experience in the areas of debit and credit cards as well as e-banking and develops standards and security procedures for cyber security.

With its specialist publications, e-learning products as well as seminars and conferences, Bank-Verlag offers its customers a wide range of information on numerous topics in the financial sector.

In all segments, the company is one of the market leaders in the industry. Bank-Verlag's customers are banks of various sizes as well as financial service providers and other companies. Bank-Verlag is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Association of German Banks and has its headquarters in Cologne and a branch office in Frankfurt/Main.



Bank-Verlag GmbH
Taunusanlage 11
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Ingmar Besch
Phone: +49 | 69| 4789 429-15

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