The company HSH exists since 1991 as a medium-sized software house, which operates exclusively in the municipal area and has specialized here strictly on the administrative area of public order and safety. The company offers specially developed software programs including all services required for the use of the programs. The company is located in Lindenberg near Berlin. The company HSH cooperates with a number of municipal software houses specialized in other areas (HKR area). Currently, the company employs over seventy people. Recently, the company doubled its office capacity in the course of its expansion by building a new office building at the headquarters in Lindenberg. The business activity of HSH is determined by modern management methods and the work of a highly motivated and committed team of employees.
HSH Soft- and Hardware Vertriebs GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 2
16356 Ahrensfelde-Lindenberg
Stephan Hauber
Phone: +49 30 94004-0