Administration Intelligence AG

Logo Administration Intelligence AF

AI AG was founded as a software house in September 2000 in Würzburg. The award management solution of AI guides workflow-based and legally compliant through the entire internal award process - from the preparation of the tender to the awarding of the contract. Different platform solutions, among others with OSCI standard, allow to handle the entire client and bidder communication securely via the Internet without media discontinuity. And this is independent of whether VOL*/A*, VOB*/A, UVgO* or VgV or national tenders or EU procedures are used.

The software focus is on electronic procurement management solutions. The industry focus is on public clients at federal, state and municipal level, as well as various sector contracting companies, universities and social insurers.



Administration Intelligence AG
Steinbachtal 2B
97082 Würzburg

Phone: 0931 88061 70

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