Successful webinar on OZG-PLUS-Postfach for administration and companies

On March 5, 2024, our webinar on the topic: "Mein Unternehmenskonto: OZG-PLUS-Postfach" attracted around 247 interested parties from local authorities, ministries, companies, specialist procedure manufacturers, consulting firms and IT service providers, among others. This diversity of participants was also reflected in the questions asked: from integration into existing specialist procedures and registration to the administration of the mailbox. We also received over 123 questions via the Q&A tool, which we were unable to answer live in the webinar due to the volume and time available. We have now answered them for you!

You can download the answers and the presentation here and download them here. We also provide you on our YouTube channel the recording available on our YouTube channel.

About the webinar

With the extended mailbox (OZG-PLUS-Postfach) from "Mein Unternehmenskonto", the Online Access Act is taking a huge step towards the digitalization of public administration. With OZG-PLUS-Postfach , companies and organizations are able to receive messages and official notifications securely.

Mirko Schädel, Product Owner for the OZG-PLUS-Postfach at Governikus, and Jonni Debus, Stakeholder & Committee Management for the OZG-PLUS-Postfach in "Mein Unternehmenskonto", presented the status quo of the extended mailbox to the participants as well as an outlook for future expansion stages.

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